Satark Intraday Nifty Delta Adjust

Satark Intraday Nifty Delta Adjust

Created By: Sachin Tarkase

Deployed By: Sachin Tarkase

Tags No Tags
Margin ₹ 75,000


No Name Value
1 Capital Required Rs. 75000.00
2 Total Trading Days 314
3 Win Days 213
4 Loss Days 101
5 Max Winning Streak Days 17
6 Max Losing Streak Days 19
7 Win Rate 67.83%
8 Avg Monthly Profit Rs. 2960.15
9 Total Profit Rs. 44261.31
10 Avg Monthly ROI 3.95%
11 Total ROI 59.02%
12 Standard Deviation (Annualised) 17.83%
13 Sharpe Ratio (Annualised) 2.66
14 Sortino Ratio (Annualised) 2.44
15 Max Profit in a Day Rs. 3700.00
16 Max Loss in a Day Rs. -5387.50
17 Avg Profit/Loss Daily Rs. 140.96
18 Avg Profit on Profit Days Rs. 503.84
19 Avg Loss on Loss Days Rs. -624.33
20 Avg no. of trades (Buy + Sell) per trading day 3.24
21 Max Drawdown Rs. 7952.49
22 Max Drawdown % 6.89 %

Daily Summary

Day Returns (%) Max profit Max loss
Monday 20.4 3700 -2015
Tuesday 22.97 1470 -2037.5
Wednesday 7.84 1245 -2040
Thursday -2.84 2042.5 -5387.5
Friday 10.19 2012.5 -2022.5

Month Wise PNL

Month Total Trades PNL (Rs) PNL (%)
May, 23 4 347.5 0.46
Jun, 23 84 3110 4.15
Jul, 23 68 7737.5 10.32
Aug, 23 88 7600 10.13
Sep, 23 60 3897.5 5.2
Oct, 23 78 1010 1.35
Nov, 23 20 1482.49 1.98
Dec, 23 76 4715 6.29
Jan, 24 98 -4505 -6.01
Feb, 24 94 11750 15.67
Mar, 24 86 6790 9.05
Apr, 24 70 -3027.51 -4.04
May, 24 42 3266.29 4.36
Jun, 24 70 4248.77 5.67
Jul, 24 80 -4161.23 -5.55

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